SAP India, Microsoft Launch Tech Skilling Program for Young Women Across India

SAP India, Microsoft Launch Tech Skilling Program for Young Women Across India

SAP India and Microsoft have launched a joint skilling program, "TechSaksham", for empowering young women students from undeserved communities to build careers in technology.


The initiative will train more than 62000 young women in artificial intelligence, cloud computing, web design, and digital marketing.


The program will collaborate with state collegiate education departments and the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) to train 1500 teachers.


In the first year of implementation, the initiative will train 1,500 teachers and each faculty trained will be equipped to support over 50 students in one year, impacting 60,000 - 75,000 students.



Edunet Foundation will implement the TechSaksham initiative. It will develop future-ready skills in young women graduating in sciences, engineering, computer applications, and vocational studies. The program offers a core curriculum to understand the application of technology and activity-based engagements to implement the skills under expert mentors, ensuring job readiness.


Students will also get an opportunity to showcase their work to business leaders and experts from local industries, helping establish early linkages with industry ecosystems.




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