Diageo India Announces Equal Parental Leave Policy

Diageo India Announces Equal Parental Leave Policy

Diageo India announced a “Family Leave Policy”, as part of its commitment to build a diverse and inclusive workplace culture.


The policy offers all eligible employees a 26-week parental leave, comprising all benefits and bonuses, irrespective of gender or sexual orientation. This policy takes into consideration surrogacy, adoption, and biological conception.


Effective 30th July 2021, this policy is applicable to all new parents, and can be availed by new fathers anytime within 12 months of the birth/ adoption of the child, thereby allowing the mother to better manage her career as well as other priorities.


Aarif Aziz, Chief Human Resources Officer, Diageo India said, “At Diageo India, championing inclusion and diversity is central to our purpose of celebrating life, every day, everywhere. Our new “Family Leave Policy” is testament to this purpose. With the introduction of this policy, we recognize that all employees, regardless of gender or sexual orientation deserve an equal opportunity to avail of paid parental leave to cherish time with their new family. We believe that this will pave the way to greater equality, and talent is retained and nurtured. We take immense pride in being one of the few companies in India to introduce such a policy, and hope it soon becomes an industry norm.”


In addition to parental leave, the “Family Leave Policy” offers Diageo India employees a host of other benefits and opportunities to enable them to optimize their career goals and ambitions, as well as personal lives. This includes 26-weeks maternity leave, flexible working hours, creche allowance, maternity, and surrogacy coverage, up to 10-weeks leave in the unfortunate event of miscarriage, and many more benefits.


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