Google Rolls out Virtual Visiting Card Feature

Google Rolls out Virtual Visiting Card Feature

Google has rolled out a new feature called 'People Cards' that allows people to create their virtual visiting cards.


This new feature will help people to build their online presence and discover others.


"For the millions of influencers, entrepreneurs, prospective employees, self-employed individuals, freelancers, or anyone else out there who wants to be discovered, we hope this new Search feature will help the world find them" Google said in a blog post.


Only one people card is allowed per Google Account, and a phone number is required to authenticate the account.


Users can create their virtual visiting card by searching their name after signing into Google account or “add me to Search” and tap the prompt that appears.


To make a people card, users will need to upload the image, add a description of themselves, their website or social profiles links, and a phone number or email address.


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