Corporate Wellness Is The Key

Corporate Wellness Is The Key

A jubilant member of the company makes his or her environment, be it work or home more dynamic and vibrant, the combined impact of which produces unbelievable positive outcomes.


Keeping in mind the colloquial 'customer first' philosophy, organisations ought to comprehend that their employees are their customers 'first', and, it is through their prosperity wherein lies the wellbeing of the organisation. Every organisation must take steps in creating a conducive environment for the workforce, and, promote their welfare by providing the requisite infrastructure, health and wellness perquisites, hygiene systems and acknowledgment programs, alongside appropriate growth prospects. A perfect workplace is one which encourages a healthy culture and lifestyle.

The apparent high level of competitiveness is a prevailing problem, leading to increased stress levels, and thereby, causing an imbalance in work and life responsibilities. It is imperative to create a culture that promotes healthy competition without added tension. Creating appropriate health and wellness programs can go a long way in guaranteeing corporate wellness and elevated amounts of productivity.


Let us take a look at a few ways in which an organisation can initiate corporate wellness.


Mindfulness Training: Mindfulness training is an extraordinary instrument to enable teams to ease pressure and feel composed, increasing profitability, attention, and focus on everyday work. Mindfulness in various means such as meditation, breathing, and yoga enables individuals to be more alert, and in addition, upgrade their proficiency.


Sports: Sports offer a strong platform to practice discipline and maintain healthy relationships in the working environment. Sports has an intrinsic unifying spirit supporting the development of immense solidarity. It shows individuals with various ways of reviewing situations, delegate, and, make the right decision. It additionally helps in sharpening one's management skills and creates team building characteristics. Forming award winning internal sports competitions on a weekly/fortnightly basis would help in cultivating a healthy competition. Above all, sports confer important exercises to impart valuable lessons on how to inspire others and keep them engaged to produce winning results.


Gym:  Not everyone can afford the luxury of a gym or equipment to work out. An in house gym with personal trainers offering tips and a routine to pursue can enable individuals to get into the habit of exercising. Organisations that are located on sprawling land parcels can create walking tracks which will encourage the people to take brisk walks after lunch or even a 5-minute break to stretch their limbs. Smaller organisations can conduct outdoor boot camps to create room for a holistic development.


Every organisation must create a conducive environment for the workforce, provide them with the requisite infrastructure, health and wellness perquisites, hygiene systems alongside appropriate growth prospects. A perfect workplace encourages a healthy culture and lifestyle.


Nutrition: Corporate cafeterias must provide access to natural, organic, processed-free and zero preservative foods at a moderate price. An integrative wellness programme can educate the employees on the benefits of good nutrition for one's well-being.


Wellness Programmes: With the rise in health care costs, many organisations have been prompted to look at various ways to keep their workforce healthy. Workplace wellness programmes offer techniques to enable people to get healthy and stay healthy. Conducting workshops on health education and social behavioral patterns can help to navigate diverse personalities at work. Occasional visits by health and medical experts can aid in addressing health issues, and, its impact on professional and personal lives. These programmes have a positive impact and healthy employees tend to be happier and work more effectively.


Financial Education: Financial education for various phases of one's life and career is an incredible initiative for an employee's wellbeing. Money can be an enormous burden after retirement if one does not plan well. Organisations offering coaching for life after work can cultivate positive assurance, energise mindful career planning, and upgrade profitability and effectiveness until the point when he / she is genuinely "retirement ready."


Flexible working hours:  Not everyone is able to work from home efficiently. However, in case of individuals who can, it can lead to a huge boost in productivity and deliver a mental break from the long hours at office. By providing working professionals with the freedom to work from home, there can be an increase in employee confidence, and, they will be able to work at ease


Incentive based outings: There are various ways of making the professionals feel appreciated for their efforts and hard work. By organising frequent incentive-based trips, there will be a morale boost in majority of the staff as these outings encompass quality time, financial gifts, and, acts of service.


Work-life balance plays a massive role in the corporate wellness of an organisation. This implies leaving the office at the right time, not working at home unless absolutely unavoidable, and, plugging off throughout the weekend. This will allow the individuals to partake completely in their family and social life. Content people figure out how to reserve time for their families and themselves too. The absence of stress and rivalry, reasonable working hours, recognition of individual contributions inspires employees. A jubilant member of the company makes his or her environment, be it work or home more dynamic and vibrant, the combined impact of which produces unbelievable positive outcomes.



Urvi Aradhya is the Chief Human Resource Officer at K Raheja Corp. She comes with an industry experience of 19 years in Human Resources and has previously worked in Parle Bisleri Pvt. Ltd. She has introduced a multichannel, innovative, technology driven recruitment approach whose benefits are seen at the bottom line. Urvi is a graduate in Statistics and a postgraduate in Human Resource Management.


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